How you can benefit from Feng Shui?

How you can benefit from Feng Shui?

Article by Singapore Feng Shui Master Edwaard Liu

Feng Shui enables occupants (residents/workers) to :

  • Identify the type and quality of energies at various sectors of our house and premises so that we can use these energies to our benefit. For example, we would want to know whether we have acquired ‘wealth energy’ at main entrance. If ‘wealth energy’ does exist at main entrance, then is it a strong wealth, medium wealth or small wealth?
  • Activate the good energies and suppress/cure the bad energies at various sectors of our house to our well being. Surprisingly, our existing health and wealth problems can be traced to the energies circulating at the present moment and upon addressing such energies, our health and wealth conditions will improve in a short period of time, usually within two weeks.
  • Become aware of how long certain energies may last in various sectors, say 20 years, 1 year, 1 month, 1 day or two hours ? With this information, we can harness these energies to support us for different purposes. Likewise, we can anticipate future challenges (From Calculations and the observation of the influence(s) of the External and Internal Environments ) and take preventive measures to avoid them or minimize their impact. From this understanding, we would also be able to anticipate when we should shift to a new house to enhance our luck cycle.
  • Know whether it is suitable to renovate now or in the distant future to renew and acquire good energies so that we can further extend our stay at our Feng Shui house.

Find out more about what we can do for your premise’s Feng Shui.


Whatsapp us at 65-9320 4100 to make an appointment with Master Edwaard Liu today! Best Feng Shui solutions to improve your wealth, health, harmony and relationships.